Hungarian Peppers


Hungarian peppers are among the mildest of the hot peppers. The average length of the Hungarian peppers is about five inches. Their mid cross section is oval shaped, but they are round at the top. They are great in stir fries and sauces, adding both the pepper taste and some spiciness. Select Hungarian peppers that are firm and free of soft spots, blemishes and wrinkles.


Translations: Ungāru pipari, Vengrijos Peppers, Ardei maghiară, Mađarski Peppers, Hungary Peppers, Węgierski Peppers, Hongaarse Peppers, हंगरी मिर्च, Peppers húngaro, Венгерский Peppers, Ουγγρικά Πιπεριές, الهنغارية الفلفل, 헝가리어 페퍼스, Maďarské Peppers, Мађарски Паприка, 匈牙利辣椒, Pebrots hongarès, Madžarski Peppers, Maďarskej Peppers, Peperoni ungherese, הונגרית פפרז, Ungerska Peppers, Hungaria Peppers, ハンガリーペッパーズ, Peppers hongrois, Ungarische Peppers, Ungarske Peppers, Ungarsk Peppers, Pimientos húngaro, Угорський Peppers, Unkarin Peppers, Унгарски Пепърс



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