White Onions


White onion is one of the varieties of onion, from brown, red, to yellow. Brown onion is considered the strongest and white onion is next.

White onion is considered ideal for cooking because of its strong taste.


Translations: Balta Sīpoli, Baltoji Svogūnai, Ceapă albă, Bijeli luk crveni, Trắng Onions, Cebula biała, Witte uien, सफेद प्याज, Branco Cebolas, Белый лук, Λευκό Κρεμμύδια, البصل الأبيض, 화이트 양파, Cibule bílá, Bawang putih, 白洋葱, Cebes blanques, White Čebula, Cibuľa biela, Cipolle bianche, בצל לבן, White Lök, Бели лук, ホワイトオニオン, Oignons blancs, Weiße Zwiebeln, White Løg, Cebollas blancas, Біла цибуля, Valkoinen Sipulit, Бяла Лук

Physical Description

paper-thin skinned bulb; yet, despite its plain looks, has an intense flavor and is a beloved part of the cuisine of almost every region of the world.Onions range in size, color and taste depending upon their variety. There are generally two types of large, globe-shaped onions, classified as spring/summer or storage onions. The former class includes those that are grown in warm weather climates and have characteristic mild or sweet tastes.

Selecting and Buying

Choosing: Choose onions that are clean, well shaped, have no opening at the neck and feature crisp, dry outer skins. Avoid those that are sprouting or have signs of mold. In addition, onions of inferior quality often have soft spots, moisture at their neck, and dark patches, which may all be indications of decay. As conventionally grown onions are often irradiated to prevent them from sprouting, purchase organically grown varieties since these are not treated with this process.

Preparation and Use

Combine chopped onions, tomatoes, avocado and jalapeno for an all-in-one guacamole salsa dip.

To perk up plain rice, sprinkle some green onions, also known as scallions, and sesame seeds on top.

Sautéed chopped onions are so versatile that they can be added to most any vegetable dish.

Enjoy a classic Italian salad-sliced onions, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese drizzled with olive oil.

Conserving and Storing

Onions should be stored at room temperature, away from bright light, and in a manner where they are well ventilated. To do this, either place them in a wire hanging basket or a perforated bowl with a raised base so that air can circulate underneath. The length of storage varies with the type of onion. Those that are more pungent in flavor, such as yellow onions, can stay longer than those with a sweeter taste, such as white onions, since the compounds that confer their sharp taste help to preserve them.


Onions are native to Asia and the Middle East and have been cultivated for over five thousand years. Onions were highly regarded by the Egyptians. Not only did they use them as currency to pay the workers who built the pyramids, but they also placed them in the tombs of kings, such as Tutankhamen, so that they could carry these gifts bestowed with spiritual significance with them to the afterlife.

History: Onions have been revered throughout time not only for their culinary use, but also for their therapeutic properties. As early as the 6th century, onions were used as a medicine in India. While they were popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans, they were oftentimes dressed with extra seasonings since many people did not find them spicy enough. Yet, it was their pungency that made onions popular among poor people throughout the world who could freely use this inexpensive vegetable to spark up their meals.



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