Clotted Cream


Clotted cream a thick yellow cream, made by heating unpasteurized cow's milk and then leaving it in shallow pans for several hours to form clots, makes the food a treat when used in bakery stuff, ice-creams and hot soups.


Translations: Coagulat Cream, Usiren krema, Clotted kem, Gęstą śmietaną, Clotted cream, पका क्रीम, Взбитые сливки, متخدر كريم, 응고된 크림, Hustou smetanou, Bergumpal Cream, May kimpal Cream, 凝结的奶油, Crema quallada, Hustú smotanou, Panna, שמנת עשירה, Усирен крем, クロテッドクリーム, Crema cuajada, Збиті вершки, Paksun kerman, Бита сметана

Tasting Notes

Substitutes: Whipped cream



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