Rosé Wine
Pink hued wine made from a variety of red grapes, that often slightly sweet, but can also be quite dry. Mostly falt, some rosé is also sparkling. The color comes from limited contact between the juice and the skins of the grapes.
Translations: Sārtvīns, Rožinis vynas, Vin roze, Rosé vino, Vang hồng, Wino różowe, Rose, रोज़ वाइन, Vinho Rosé, Розовое вино, Ροζέ κρασί, خمر وردي, 홍포 도주, Růžové víno, Anggur merah muda, Rose wine, 桃红葡萄酒, Vi Rosat, Vino rosé, Ružové víno, Vino Rosé, יין רוזה, Rosévin, Розе, ロゼワイン, Vin Rosé, Roséwein, Rosévin, Rosévin, Vino Rosado, Рожеве вино, Roséviini, Вино розе