Veal Loin
Veal loin is one of the expensive meal cuts. It is the source of the veal T-bone, porterhouse steaks and strip loin steaks.
Veal loin is tender and delicate in flavor, fine grained and buttery.
Veal loin cuts:
Veal loin roast- the whole bone-in veal loin perfect for roasting
Veal loin chop-a cut from the veal loin roast, this is where you can get cuts for veal t-bone, porterhouse and strip loin steaks.
Veal kidney chop- a veal loin chop with part of the veal kidney that is surrounded by fat. The tail of the loin chop is wrapped around the kidney to form a tight package.
Other names: Middle Meat, Boneless Short Loin, T-Bone Chop, Loin Chop
Translations: Teļa gaļas karbonāde, Veršienos nugarinės, Mânzat Sale, Teleći Slabine, Polędwicy, Kalfslende, वील कमर, Lombo de Vitela, Телячья корейка, Μοσχάρι φιλέτο, لحم العجل الخاصرة, 송아지 허리, Telecí svíčková, Karne ng usa lomo, 韦柳, Llom de vedella, Telečjega Loin, Teľacie sviečková, Carré di vitello, עגל חלציים, Kalvkött Loin, Телетина Крста, 仔牛ロース, Longe de veau, Mastkalbsrücken, Kalvekød Lænd, Kalv Loin, Lomo de ternera, Теляча корейка, Veal LANNE, Телешко месо Поясница