Pacific Cod
Pacific cod populations are abundant throughout their range; overfishing is not occurring.
Pacific cod is often hailed as being one of the best managed fisheries in the world.
Cod is a good source of low fat protein, phosphorus, niacin, and vitamin B12. For more on nutrition, see Nutrition Facts. (USDA)
Over 96%% of the cod harvested in the U.S. is Pacific cod.
Courtesy: NOAA Fisheries
Other names: Gray Wolf, Gray Cod, Grayfish, Gray Goo, True Cod, Grayest, Gadus Macrocephalus
Translations: Klusā Mencas, Ramiojo vandenyno Cod, Cod de Pacific, Pacifički bakalar, Cod Thái Bình Dương, Dorsz Pacyfiku, Pacifische kabeljauw, प्रशांत कॉड, Bacalhau do Pacífico, Тихоокеанская треска, Βακαλάος του Ειρηνικού, المحيط الهادئ القد, 태평양 콥, Pacifik Cod, Атлантиц Бакалар, Pacific bakalaw, 太平洋鳕鱼, Bacallà del Pacífic, Tichomorie Cod, Merluzzo del Pacifico, השקט קוד, Pacific Torsk, Cod Pasifik, 太平洋コッド, Morue du Pacifique, Pazifischer Kabeljau, Pacific Torsk, Bacalao del Pacífico, Тихоокеанська тріска, Тихоокеанския треска
Tasting Notes
Substitutes: Halibut, Cod, Tillapia, Sole, Dover sole