Turkey Egg

November 27, 2009


I love eggs. I've eaten chicken eggs, quail eggs, duck eggs and now turkey eggs. Turkey eggs? Doesn't even seem accessible and they are not to most people. My mother recently gave me a dozen fresh eggs from her chickens and they were so colorful! Light blue, brown, tan and cream colored eggs and there was even one with red speckles.
Not thinking anything of it, I scrambled it up with some others and ate it with toast.  My mom later informed me that her midget white turkey has been laying speckled eggs! Oh no! I wish I had known- being the egg geek that I am, I really wanted to see if there was a flavor difference.  I was given another turkey egg to try. This time I fried it over easy in a little butterDuck eggs are rich in flavor and quail eggs have a unique taste to them so I thought for sure there would be some dramatic difference. The shell of the turkey egg is harder than that of a chicken egg and the yolk is slightly richer, but beyond that, there was no taste difference. However if I had to choose between a chicken egg or turkey egg, it would be a turkey egg all the way.


Above photo: My mom's midget white turkey laying an egg.



Deanna's picture

I grew up as the 3rd generation turkey farm. We had turkey eggs year round - in fact I was likely quite old before I even had a fried chicken egg for my breakfast!

Generally turkey eggs (of the non-midget variety of turkeys) are quite large - even larger than a jumbo chicken egg. Not that infrequently, turkeys lay "double-yolkers" - eggs with two yolks in the egg-- that must be the equivalent to 4 regular chicken eggs. All of my grandmother's baking recipies are written for turkey eggs, so now I have to do the converstion to chicken when trying out a new (old) family recipe. :-)


Melissa Peterman's picture

Hi Deanna!

What a wonderful memory! Thank you so much for sharing. My only experience with turkey eggs is with the midget white variety, so I had no idea they were so large. Again, thank you so much for your comment, you made my day!

Buy Turkey Eggs Online's picture

We raise turkey poults (chicks) right from turkey eggs, now mind you I have never eaten a turkey egg myself I know that turkey poults and chicks are very similar looking, so I guess it isn't surprising that they taste the same too.

Foodista Blog - Egg Hunt's picture

[...] edible eggs! Beyond duck and chicken eggs, I’ve only had quail eggs and even some delicious turkey eggs. but with all the egg possibilities still out there to try, my quest has barely [...]

Egg Hunt | Recipes for Everyone's picture

[...] edible eggs! Beyond duck and chicken eggs, I’ve only had quail eggs and even some delicious turkey eggs. but with all the egg possibilities still out there to try, my quest has barely [...]

derby white's picture

good photo...amazing eggs.....good posting....