Chocolate banana cream pie is a rich and creamy dessert. A layer of chocolate is melted onto...
Enjoy a Valentine's Day treat that is rich, chocolaty, and Vegan! What a great way to end a...
Delicious quiche with Swiss chard, mushrooms and aged gouda cheese.
We love this dressed-up version of the classic pumpkin pie recipe. As reader Bertha Johnson puts it...
It goes without saying, but we'll say it anyway: Americans love pie. Favorites like apple pie,...
Pumpkin pie is a must-have during the holidays. While the filling is usually wheat-free, the pie...
Looking for a creamy treat? This pie is like a tangy, sweet ice cream in a buttery pretzel crust....
One look at this pie, and you will see why it is considered a must try dessert. Fluffy and light,...
The Blonde Buckeye shares one of her fall inspired recipes with foodista readers. These...
When it comes to pumpkins, think outside the crust. Check out these 5 recipes from the Foodista...
Use up the last of your summer peaches to make these perfect hand pies from Bakerella. Fresh...
An easy yet scrumptious dessert is the best way to end off a dinner party. This Snickers Caramel...
Adding goat cheese to this tomato zucchini pie, using light mayonnaise and cutting back on the...
The other night I found a roll of pie dough in my freezer and thought lets make something with...
Chess Pie is a classic southern dessert closely related to vinegar pie. It came to the States by...
Fried peanut butter and jelly pies are a real treat. This easy dessert only requires three...
The recipe is very simple, the dough is very flexible and easy to work and the filling ... divine!...
Key lime pie and summer go hand in hand. This dessert is sweet, tart, and best of all - easy...