Crispy Pan Fried Cod on top of green chile black beans and rice. Top that cod with chopped tomatoes...
Fake out your routine take out dinner and cook these crazy good copycat recipes inspired by...
Poblano crepe ‘Enchiladas’ served with zesty guilt free ‘cashew-poblano’ sauce!! Summer meal at its...
These Grilled Corn, Zucchini & Black Bean Enchiladas are absolutely wonderful! They are...
Mealtime was never easier! Thanks to KRAFT’s newly designed Stand-Up Pouches of natural...
Frozen margaritas are quite possibly the most wonderful drink to enjoy poolside. The...
This is a fantastic way to taste the other side of corn. On the grill the sugars boil as the...
I love me some fresh and flavorful Mexican! You all know that anytime you go out for Mexican, when...
Nothing is better poolside then an icy watermelon margarita. Frozen cubes of watermelon are...
The Patriot's Plata is a sweet drink that compliments your favorite barbecue dishes. ...
Scoops of cinnamon-vanilla ice cream, coated in a crisp honey-corn flake coating.
Healthy, Hearty and Flavorful Soup will Leave You Wanting More!
Queso fundido with chorizo is a winning appetizer for Cinco de Mayo. Monterey Jack cheese is...
Homemade tortilla chips were fresh out of the oven, ripe avocados were begging to be used and a...
Horchata is a refreshing Mexican beverage made from rice. It is often sold in large jugs on...
With summer just around the corner, we are swapping our cake pans for ice pop molds. Mango...
Mexican casserole from Pinch of Yum is a boldly flavored family meal. Corn tortillas are...
Slow cooker barbacoa is a stress-free Mexican meal. Beef chuck is placed in a slow...
Spinach chilaquiles from Veggie Chica is a vegetarian Mexican breakfast. Tortilla strips of...
An agua fresca is a fruity Mexican beverage made with simple syrup, water and fruit puree. ...