French Onion Soup – a traditional recipe. Love this time of year. Our temperatures have...
Roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon. Sweet tangy, caramelized, and savory all in one dish. This...
Parmesan, panko crusted chicken cutlets. There is nothing like perfectly golden brown, crispy,...
I do not hide that I love cheese and mushrooms. If you peruse my blog by now you will have noticed...
French classic tart of caramelized onions, bound with a savory custard with cheese and a hint of...
Creamy, tender, full of flavor, farfalle with ricotta and peas dish that is ready in between 15...
Pork tenderloin is one of the most versatile meat. Always tender and full of flavor. You can add...
Pork Chops with Mushrooms Ragout. Temperatures are dropping. The leaves are turning into a...
Pork to me is one of the most versatile meat to cook with. Here is a very simple recipe that...
A savory winter potato dish rich in bacon, onions, and melting cheese. Worth each bite and...
We all have staples in our kitchen, and bacon is one ingredient that is never missing. I believe...
Curried lentil, tomato and coconut soup. Experimenting with new flavors, mainly curry, which I am...
Want an easier way to tack the keto diet? Check out The DIRTY, LAZY, KETO COOKBOOK by...
Giving up carbs doesn’t mean you have to give up the comforting carb-o-licious foods you...
If you or a family member have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, it can be challenging to find...
I know you are all super busy so I have a quick and easy dinner for you! This Sheet Pan...
Need a fresh start to the day? How about Keto Blueberry Muffins made with nutty almond flour...
Following a keto diet has numerous health benefits, including weight loss and balanced blood...
Loaded with rich cream cheese, spicy diced jalapeños, sharp cheddar and tender chicken...
I tried the ketogenic diet last year and I failed big time. It's a difficult diet to follow -...