Snowed in? Whip up this easy, three-ingredient Snow Ice Cream in just minutes. Kids will love...
This Fudge Pie with Salted Caramel Sauce will tingle the “everything is wonderful” center in your...
An almost guilt free dessert for when you are trying to eat healthy, but just need that little...
I love an easy dessert recipe that not only looks gorgeous but tastes fantastic! This one couldn’t...
A delicious chocolatey, salty crust with a super sweet toffee filling covering banana surprise!
This rich delicious moist chocolate cake will have your family and friends demanding more.
Ring in 2015 with these adorable champagne glass cookies from SweetAmb Cookies. This...
Ginger Tangerine Tart Courtesy of Mary's Gone Crackers Ingredients: Crust: 1 3/4...
Maple Pecan Shortbread Cookies are just out of this world! I love the crisp exterior and chewier...
No matter the occasion, brownies are always welcomed to the table. Chocolate peppermint...
Chocolate and peppermint are a classic holiday flavor combination and a cheesecake is the perfect...
This recipe for easy cream cheese pound cake comes complete with those delicious crispy edges and a...
A fudgy sandwich that melts on your mouth and leaves a sweet Nutella aftertaste from the cream...
What is Christmas without a plate of gingerbread cookies? For those of us who have chosen to...
If you are anything like me, gingerbread, ginger cake, gingerbread cookies are must-haves...
No matter what holiday event I am invited to, whether it be a Christmas eve dinner or potluck, I...
Chocolate and cherry are a flavor duo that make your palette sing in delightful. These quick...
You can never go wrong with a vanilla layer cake especially if it's covered in sprinkles and...
Even though the weather outside is frightful, ice cream in winter is still delightful. These...
The rumors are true. Homemade gifts are really the best gifts. Your friends and family...