I love these Spinach Artichoke Puff Pastry Cups! These delicious cups make for perfect party food;...
So many flavours in one awesome cookie. These Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies with White Chocolate...
White Christmas Cookies are only 7 ingredients including instant White Chocolate Pudding. They are...
This is a gorgeous dish that's set to impress. Imagine your meat wrapped in mushrooms, foie...
What would the holiday season be without eggnog? My family all loves the stuff and it reappears...
I have a sweet spot for, well, anything sweet this time of year. That being said, my...
Candy bark is a win-win for everyone. It's pretty simple to make and finishes fast. Then,...
Dinner rolls are always a popular favorite, especially fresh and warm from the oven!
My love for all things peanut butter and chocolate borders on a "slight" obsession...
Christmas baking means plenty of homemade gifts for friends and loved ones. We like to go to at...
The two keys are a long marinade time and basting often while the meat cooks.
Holiday twisted peppermint ice cream so refreshing yet creamy and indulgent, you will be begging...
This is an easy version of a classic pastry - perfect for brunch.
Ham is a classic Christmas dish. What in the world can you do with all those leftovers? How about...
Vegetables fritters are an innovative way to use up any leftovers from Christmas dinner. ...
Fail-safe delicious duck recipe.
Christmas is just around the corner. How did that happen? If you find yourself staring down a...
Maple Pecan Shortbread Cookies are just out of this world! I love the crisp exterior and chewier...
Five minutes & five ingredients to Rocky Road fudge heaven!
I normally have some parmesan cheese lurking somewhere in the fridge, so this is a bit of a go to...