Drink straight and neat from a stemmed glass, or use in a Bloody Mary. Honey also makes a nice...
Garnish with a stirrer, straw and a cherry or orange slice.
Why prepare hot cocoa from a mix when it's so simple and yummy to make from scratch? Our cookies...
Using brown sugar in addition to white sugar improves the flavor of this summer classic.
Try this morning beverage that's high in omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, vitamin A and C and fiber...
Use in drinks or as a topping for pancakes or dessert.
Delicious & fun drink that is both thirst quenching & healthy for hot summer days. It has...
A new twist for fall on the traditional strawberry daiquiri....tangy and sweet!
I make large quantities of tea for the ladies that attend my cooking class. This seems to be the...
I cut the lavender right out of my flower bed Then pulled the leaves off the stems, in the same...
If you are concerned about using raw eggs, 1/2 cup of egg substitute can be used instead. I have...
This recipe is a variation from Sweet Lorraines Cafe and one from Food & Wine with my own...