This is great on pita chips, bagel chips, crackers, stuffed in celery - today I found a bag of...
Gnocchi is a great hearty alternative to pasta and a perfect addition in this recipe! I loved...
Hi Foodistas! My recipe was selected as 1 of 5 finalists in the 2010 CHEX MIX RECIPE CONTEST....
This recipe was inspired by a dish on the menu at Dos Caminos in The Palazzo Hotel in Las Vegas....
I LOVE guacamole (without raw onions of course), but I like it a bit spicier than regular guac....
A simply delicious Italian appetizer enjoyed every autumn! Buon Appetito!
This recipe is a time saver on TWO levels. One, if you were going to make traditional tamales,...
Nice End of Summer use of fresh herbs.
This party snack will disappear in moments! Spicy dough knots are fantastic on their own, but can...