Serve with chutney as a dip if you wish. This recipe uses either spring roll wrapper or egg roll...
These strips are quite filling. For a daintier appetizer, cut strips in half before baking. These...
NOTES : Serve hot or at room temp. with fresh Italian bread.
Garnish with green onions, bell pepper rings or radishes. Serve on crackers or rye bread.
It can be made in advance and refrigerated, but it must be reheated to melt the chilled fat.
Comments: Serve this tangy and delicious hors d"oeuvre spread on toasted baguette slices.
Serve with an assortment of chips: Doritos, sweet potato chips, mixed gourmet chips, etc. Also,...
Thai Mixed Thai Style Sausage is great enough for welcome your friends, party time, or for serve...
This Thai pork sausage Isan style. Thais call “Sai grok I-san” and it’s a Thai-Isan snack. This...
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