You don't have to be vegan to fall in love with this baked beans recipe. The smoky flavor in...
No backyard BBQ is complete without a delicious potato salad. Two things make this potato salad...
I've only eaten my radishes raw, so when I came upon this recipe for Roasted Radishes on our...
These stuffed Portobello mushrooms from Citron Limette are inspired by summer vegetables. ...
Spinach ricotta quiche is a meatless meal you can enjoy for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This...
Pancakes and Oreos are on the list of the best things in the world. What happens when you combine...
Southwestern quinoa casserole from Pinch of Yum is a quick and easy gluten-free meal. Spiced...
Spring beet salad is a light and refreshing meatless meal. Chunks of tender beets are...
Vegetable Literacy by Deborah Madison will transform the way you think, feel, and taste...
We love the spicy and bold flavors of Korean barbecue but have been eating less meat these days. So...
Turkish bulgur salad wrapped in grape leaves from Give Recipe is a filling meatless meal. ...
We usually gravitate towards a good creamy almond milk in our house, but this week we’ve been...
If you are looking for a lighter Cinco de Mayo meal, try this vegetarian taco salad. Instead...
Stuffed mushrooms and creamed spinach are two favorite side dishes that have been combined into...
Indulge in your favorite treat without all the guilt. Not only are these brownies vegan, but they...
These pancakes are a twist on the buttermilk pancakes I grew up with as a kid, but in my opinion...
Take advantage of the variety of seasonal vegetables making an appearance in your farmer's...
This tasty sandwich is perfect for both Meatless Monday and Earth Day, whcih is today! Eating a...
This Earth-friendly burger is made of edamame (a high protein soybean) and millet, a grain that...
Today is Earth Day and we're featuring some delicious low carbon footprint recipes from Bon...