If you are looking for a quick and easy dinner that is as healthy as it is tasty, this spinach and...
Stuffed skull pizzas from Hungry Happenings are a haunting Halloween dish. Pre-made pizza...
Chili cheese brats from Dunkin Cooking the Semi-Homemade Way are the perfect meal to enjoy while...
I love dried cranberries. They are super sweet and yet, still tangy enough to not be too much to...
This recipe is taken directly from Bon Appetit magazine for the month of October, 2013. It tastes...
Chicken adobo in a crock pot is a stress-free meal. Chicken legs and thighs are cooked low and slow...
I love pumpkin. It is too bad that most of us only eat it once or twice a year. Break out of the...
Aww, mummy pizza appetizers are a cute Halloween treat for the kiddos. I am making them for our...
Why not have a bowl of homemade candy this Halloween. Not for the kids at the door, but for you;...
Baked ziti with Italian sausage is crowd-pleasing Sunday supper. You can make this pasta...
The slow cooker can be used for sweet as well as savory dishes. This apple crisp is a stress-free...
What's better than a warm and comforting lasagna on a chilly fall night? This easy cheese...
Cheddar cheese and apples are a classic flavor combination whether in a panini or pie. ...
As a child in upstate NY, there was a bakery in our town that made the most amazing Sicilian bread...
This quick and easy penne pasta bake is a satisfying Sunday meal. Penne is mixed with cheese...
Slow cooker steak chili from Mother Rimmy's Cooking Light Done Right will comfort you...
Cornmeal crusted chicken with kale pesto from LeMoine Family Kitchen is a quick and easy weeknight...
From the Foodista Archives, we love this simply delicious recipe for Egg Toast Cups. Holy...
You know those days when you walk in the door and then it occurs to you that there is nothing for...
When the game gets too good to look away, these 5 Delish Crispy Mixes, will satisfy by the handful...