Excellent Egg Toast Cups

September 21, 2013

From the Foodista Archives, we love this simply delicious recipe for Egg Toast Cups.

Holy Deliciousness! Look at the recipe that one of our Foodista members shared.

When I was a child, we would get home from school and make fried bread. No, not yummy Frybread folks, fried-bread. I always talk about cooking as a child. I never said I was a child CHEF. So, tonight I was thinking about the way I used to make fried bread (roll it out flat with a rolling pin and buttering it, then into the frying pan), and surfing the recipes on the site.

The recipe that caught my eye, uses rolled out bread slices and eggs. Since we currently have dozens of eggs in the refrigerator, any opportunity to use them up is well loved these days. I wish our chickens would pace themselves. 

Anyways, this Bacon & Egg Toast Cups recipe, contains simple ingredients that are put together in an imaginative way. Get back to basics and make a delicious breakfast in the morning! 

Bacon & Egg Toast Cups



Pinar's picture

This is so good and took me back to my childhood as well. My grandmother used to make this to us, thanx for sharing...