Most celebrities don't have much time to get their pre-baby bodies back after giving birth....
Now is the time for post Game Day diet recovery, and these 5 Luscious Low Fat Recipes will make it...
Enjoy this delicious vegan and gluten free hummus recipe! Serve warm with crudites, gluten-free...
Some actors will do just about anything to make sure they look the part for their upcoming movie...
Vegan red velvet brownies are a healthy and low fat treat. The base of the batter is red...
Anna Zanovello is a 21-year-old model that has walked the runway for Dolce & Gabbana ...
Ryan Gosling has been getting help from trainer Kiu Puk to get him ready for his next movie...
These vegan and gluten-free chocolate chip cookies from Tasty Yummies are an easy dessert that...
When Jonah Hill decided to take his acting career in a more serious direction, he also decided it...
Tempeh is a whole soybean product, favored among vegetarians and vegans. Originally from...
The first thing actress Marcia Cross will do when "Desperate Housewives" ends is ditch...
Vegan nachos are a delicious game day snack. Freshly fried tortillas are stacked with...
A delicate blend of vegan chocolate, raw cacao, maple sugar, crisp almonds, sea salt and almond...
Mario Batali might be a chef who loves decadent food, but even he has to agree that the key to...
Disney is currently tweaking its Landscape of Flavors food court at the Art of Animation Resort at...
Jenni "JWoww" Farley has been on a health kick lately, so the reality star decided to...
Jennifer Lopez keeps herself in shape by sticking to a pretty strict diet routine that involves...
This slideshow features the top 10 Foodista posts of January 2012. This month was a stellar one for...
The New York City Department of Health is raising awareness for Type 2 diabetes through a shocking...
The latest issue of Nation’s Restaurant News lists “Meat-Free Menus” as No. 7...