Turkish bulgur salad wrapped in grape leaves from Give Recipe is a filling meatless meal. ...
Chilaquiles is a traditional Mexican breakfast that is absolutely dynamite. Sliced bits of...
Stress can easily take over our lives, but there is an easy way to find a bit of Zen in all the...
Jump start your morning with this peanut butter and jelly breakfast smoothie. This healthy...
Here's a treat that won't have you running to the treadmill. These Red Velvet Cupcakes are...
If you are looking for a lighter Cinco de Mayo meal, try this vegetarian taco salad. Instead...
Stuffed mushrooms and creamed spinach are two favorite side dishes that have been combined into...
Meet Lil. Lil is on a mission to help us stop sacrificing. We all deserve our own satisfaction for...
Quinoa pilaf is a nutrition packed dish, ideal for wheat-free eaters. These days, quinoa can...
Vinaigrette ties all the ingredients of a fresh salad together. The smooth creaminess of the...
These pancakes are a twist on the buttermilk pancakes I grew up with as a kid, but in my opinion...
This elegant shrimp salad balances the crisp flavor of Belgian endive with the sweetness of...
Springtime is the time for grilling and tasty salads! This delicious Greek-inspired salad is packed...
Take advantage of the variety of seasonal vegetables making an appearance in your farmer's...
This tasty sandwich is perfect for both Meatless Monday and Earth Day, whcih is today! Eating a...
Back to Her Roots shares four recipes for salad in a jar with Foodista home cooks. Whether...
This Earth-friendly burger is made of edamame (a high protein soybean) and millet, a grain that...
Because cows are a high-carbon producing animal, using non-dairy alternatives can have a big impact...
Give your brain a boost with these five foods. Underground Health Reporter put together the...
Grabbing a fast food meal is something we are all guilty of. It's quick, easy and greasily...