There are times on the internet, when we see recipes that make us go, "Hmmm". This next treat was just one of those examples. Everyone was talking about a simple ice cream that could be made with the most unexpected ingredient; Koolaid!
Well, we just had to try it.
The results were amazing! With just a few ingredients, we ended up with a creamy, sherbet type, frozen treat. It's fun to make, easy for the kids to help, and the sky is the limit about flavors. Fun times!
Here is the recipe as it was shared with us:
1 pkt unsweetened Koolaid
1 cup sugar
1 cup half and half
2 cups milk
Combine Koolaid and sugar
Add remaining liquid and stir until sugar is completely dissolved
Pour into freezer safe container (we used a Kitchen aid bowl to make the next step easier)
Freeze for 1 hour
Whip partially slushy mixture until smooth
Refreeze for 4-6 hours, and then serve.
Unbelievably, this results in a delicious dessert and no one will guess the special ingredient that adds all the flavor. It has the texture like a really good sherbet. Next time, we think that using cream with half and half, will give us better mouth feel. It's so easy, making another batch will be simple.
We are unsure where this recipe originated from. If you are the brilliant soul, who invented this heavenly dessert, please let us know! It's awesome.
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