In her yet untitled book, Bradley Cooper's (The Hangover, The A-Team) ex-wife Jennifer Esposito, 38, details her recent diagnosis with Celiac disease and the dramatic lifestyle changes that are a prerequisite to a gluten free diet. Finally diagnosed in 2009, Esposito struggled for years with many varied and non-specific health problems including "constant stomach problems, raging panic attacks, joint pain", writes Esposito in a recent blog post.
With an estimated 1 in 133 Americans suffering from Celiac Disease, it is one of the most under- and misdiagnosed medical conditions in the United States -- but with a list of symptoms some 200 lines long, perhaps it is not quite so surprising. Gluten free living is a challenge, especially when this lifestyle change is precipitated by an autoimmune diagnosis versus a wheat allergy or straight-forward gluten intolerance -- and while more celebrity diagnoses has helped raise awareness, I can only hope that Esposito uses her fame to help the Celiac community.
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