Entenmann's Tweet References Casey Anthony Trial Verdict

July 5, 2011

An ill-advised Entenmann's tweet caused the food company to make a hasty apology Tuesday morning after a promotional Twitter post referenced the Casey Anthony trial verdict. The tweet, which has since been deleted, reads, "Who's #notguilty about eating all the tasty treats they want?!" The #notguilty hashtag refers to a Twitter trending topic that surfaced following the Anthony verdict announcement. A screencap of the tweet appears below:

entenmann's tweet

The deleted Entenmann's tweet was replaced with a second post, which appears below:

Sorry everyone, we weren't trying to reference the trial in our tweet! We should have checked the trending hashtag first.less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

Unsurprisingly, the Entenmann's tweet and its subsequent apology hasn't gone over well in the Twittersphere. Minutes ago, the Entenmann's account tweeted another apology:

Our #notguilty tweet was insensitive, albeit completely unintentional. We are sincerely sorry.less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

Do you think the original Entenmann's tweet was out of line? What do you think of the company's damage control efforts?

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Barnaby Dorfman's picture
It's fine, the whole nature of hashtags is that they are unstructured, they can mean different things to different people.
Amy Jeanroy's picture

I do think it was completely unintentional. Poor Entenmann's.