Parboiled Rice


Parboiled rice is rice that has been boiled in the husk, making it easier to process by hand and improving its nutritional profile. Parboiling drives nutrients such as thiamine into the grain making it 80%% nutritionally similar to brown rice. Parboiling also changes the texture of the grain, making it harder and glassier than other rice varieties. It takes more time to cook and the texture is firmer and less sticky.


Translations: Rīsi, tvaicēti,, Plikyti ryžiai, Orez fiert, Gạo Rice, Parboiled, Voorgekookte rijst, Parboiled राइस, Arroz Parboilizado, Пропаренного риса, Ρύζι parboiled, مسلوق رايس, 살짝 데친 쌀, Předpařená Rice, SETENGAH MATANG Beras, 蒸谷米, D'arròs precuit, Predkuhanega Rice, Predparená Rice, Il riso parboiled, Parboiled רייס, Ångbehandlat Rice, Парбоилед Рајс, パーボイルド米, Étuvé à grains, Parboiled-Reis, Parboiled ris, De arroz precocido, Пропарений рису, Kiehautettu riisi, Леко сварен ориз



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