Tool: Double Boiler
A double-decker saucepan with an upper vessel that fits into a lower pot, which is filled with water. It's used to melt chocolate or cook delicate sauces without scalding. You can improvise a double boiler by putting a glass or metal bowl over a regular saucepan with water in the bottom. Be sure to have the water level low enough that it doesn't touch the bottom of the bowl. You want the heat to come from the steam, otherwise the temperature will not be evenly distributed.
Other names: Water Bath, Double Steamer, Bain-Marie
Translations: Dvivietis boileris, Boiler dublu, Dupli Boiler, Đôi lò hơi, डबल बॉयलर, Пароварка, Μπεν μαρί, ضعف المرجل, 더블 보일러, Dvojité kotle, Double kuluan, 双锅炉, Doble caldera, Dvojité kotly, Doppia caldaia, פעמיים Boiler, Vattenbad, Дупли котао, ダブルボイラー, Doppel-Boiler, Dobbelt Boiler, Doble caldera, Пароварка, Double Vesisäiliön, Двойна котел
August 20, 2010
I recently got one of these and I find it very helpful and you're right, it's prefect for melting chocolate.