Technique: Salt Curing
Photo: flickr user doegox
Salt curing is a food preservation technique which involves preserving meat with dry salt or brine.
Salting for food preservation was widely used before until the 19th century, because bacteria cannot thrive in a highly salty environment.
Other names: Salt Cured, Salt Cure, Salting
Translations: Sāls Konservēšanas, Druska Sūdymo, Sare Maturare, Salt vezanja, Salt chữa, Sól utwardzania, Zout Curing, नमक इलाज, Sal de cura, Соль отверждения, Αλάτι Ωρίμανσης, الملح علاج, 소금 경화, Salt Vytvrzování, Соли очвршћавања, Salt paggamot, 盐固化, Salaó, Salt Strjevanje, Salt Vytvrdzovanie, Sale che guarisce, מלח אשפרה, Salt Härdning, Garam Curing, 塩蔵, Sel de durcissement, Salt Hærdning, Salt Herding, Salazón, Сіль твердіння, Salt Kuivaus, Сол Curing