Technique: Sweetening
Photo: flickr user El Gran Dee
Sweetening is the act of adding a sweetener to food.
Examples of nutritive sweeteners are:
Sugar alcohols
Syrups like Maple syrup, Corn syrup, Agave syrup, Cane syrup
Other names: Sweeten, Sweetened
Translations: Saldināšanas, Saldinimas, Îndulcirea, Zaslađivanje, Sự dịu dàng, Środka, Verzoeting, रोचक बनाने की क्रिया, Edulcorantes, Подслащивание, Γλύκανση, تحلية, 달게하기, Slazení, Заслађивање, Pampatamis, 甜味剂, Edulcoració, Sladkanje, Sladenie, Dolcificazione, המתקה, Sötning, Hal mempermanis, 甘味料, Édulcorant, Süßung, Sødning, Søtningsstoffer, Edulcoración, Підсолоджування, Makeutusainetta, Подслаждане