Broccoli cheese soup is a family favorite and made even easier in the slow cooker. The...
Creamy And Cheesy Crock Pot Potato Broccoli Cheese Soup Family And Friends Will Love.
Minestrone soup is a healthy and hearty vegetarian dish. The beauty of minestrone soup is...
Discover the rich flavors of Mexican cuisine in this bold slow cooker chili recipe from author Lynn...
When our 3 1/2-year-old daughter heard the meteorologist announce more foul weather on the East...
Traditional Vietnamese pho is a flavorful, but arguably difficult and time-consuming soup for many...
Preparing a full Thanksgiving meal can sometimes be overwhelming so make a few things easier on...
Keep yourself warm this Meatless Monday with a delicious and nutritious vegetable and bean stew....
Chicken corn chowder is an easy meal for any night of the week. While you still have to prep the...
I love recipes that only require prep and clean up and crock-pot recipes are perfect for a cool...
Baked potatoes have never been easier with the help from a crock pot. Pile these perfectly cooked...
Cooking potatoes in a crock pot gives you perfectly cooked, creamy mashed potatoes every time. No...
Crock pot sesame chicken is a simple way to enjoy this Chinese American dish. Serve this meal with...
Pizza casserole is a quick and easy dinner that can be prepared in the slow cooker. Pasta is...
Slow cooker apple butter from Fitness and Freebies is an easy way to enjoy this seasonal preserve....
Whether you are tailgating or in need of an easy meal, these buffalo chicken sliders are a crowd...
Slow cooker chicken fajitas from Living Low Carb only requires five ingredients. Chicken,...
One of the first things that kept me coming back to the internet (way back in the olden days), was...
Chicken adobo in a crock pot is a stress-free meal. Chicken legs and thighs are cooked low and slow...
The slow cooker can be used for sweet as well as savory dishes. This apple crisp is a stress-free...