Miso Soup Variation


30 half-inch cubes tofu
4 mushrooms sliced
2 stalk green onions chopped
4 cups water
2 teaspoons dashi (nomoto)
3 tablespoons miso - (to 4 tbspns) to taste


Boil 4 cups of water and dashi. Add tofu and mushrooms, simmer gently about 3 minutes. Add miso and dissolve completely. Immediately turn off the heat and add chopped green onions, then serve.
This recipe yields 4 servings.
Comments: This soup is served every morning in Japan, with the flavors of seasonal vegetables. There are several different kinds of miso paste available in the United States. Shiro-miso paste is a mild one and is low in salt. On the other hand, aka-miso is very salty and has a different, stronger fragrance than shiro-miso. Miso soup base is made out of a fish stock called dashi. You can purchase dashi at any Oriental food shop. You can enjoy almost any vegetable with this soup, from lettuce to snow pea pods. Here's a list of vegetables you might want to try in the miso soup.
Types of gu and preparation suggestions
Chinese cabbage, cut into bite-size squares or triangles Cabbage, cut into bite-size squares or triangles Lettuce, cut into bite-size squares or triangles Green onions, slicedOnions, slicedLeeks, sliced or choppedOkra, choppedButternut squash(*), thinly slicedSnow pea podsGreen beans(*)
Daikon(*), thinly slicedPotatoes(*), thinly slicedSweet potatoes(*), thinly slicedMushrooms, slicedBean sproutsTofu, cut into small cubesWakame seaweedNatto beans, minced
Not recommended: green pepper, celery (vegetables with strong flavor)
The above recipe uses tofu, green onions, and mushrooms.
Note: You have to cook the hard vegetables(*) longer, ten minutes or so. If you have a combination of soft and hard vegetables, add the soft vegetables later. The miso flavor will weaken if you overcook the miso.


4.0 servings


Friday, December 10, 2010 - 1:02am


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