Semi Freddo


1 vanilla pod
55 grams sugar 4
large fresh free range eggs separated 500ml double cream<


Remove the seeds from the vanilla pod by scoring down the length and scraping the seeds out of each half. (Don't throw the empty pod away pop it in with some sugar qv vanilla sugar) Whisk the vanilla seeds and sugar with the egg yolks in a large bowl until pale. In a second bowl whisk the cream until soft peaks form. (Important! Please don't overwhip it.)
Then in a third bowl whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form very firm peaks (this is when you can pull the egg whites in any direction and they will stay like it).
At this point add the flavouring you have chosen (qv praline freddo qv figs and honey semi freddo qv tourron nougat semi freddo or choose one of your own) the cream and egg whites to the egg yolk mixture.
Gently fold in. Immediately scoop the contents into your chosen container. Cover with cling film and freeze until you're ready to eat it.
I don't know anyone who hasn't groaned with pleasure at eating this! It is so delicious and really quick and easy to make.
This recipe with variations is a great substitute for icecream because although I personally love making ice cream who does make it at home in reality? Almost no one! We just go and buy some. I know I do.
Semifreddo is special in its own right it's as diverse and refreshing as icecream. I have given you some of my favourite variations but you can experiment with the basic recipe yourselves. For best results it's important to gather all your ingredients together and to make it as quickly as possible because its better to freeze it with as much air in as possible. After preparing your flavouring the semi freddo takes literally 4 minutes to make. Once made pour it into any chosen container (I tike to use a large earthenware dish). Then place it in the freezer.
I always make this quantity. If you make more than you need just scoop the left over piece into serving portions and put it back into the freezer. Then when you want a piece take it out of the freezer let it thaw slightly in the fridge to 'semi freddo' (semi frozen) and remember the same rules apply to this as they do to icecream in that you can't leave it hanging about and then refreeze it. That's asking for trouble!
Semi freddo is quite rich. To complement it perfectly serve it with some fresh fruit beside it raspberries strawberries blueberries cherries whatever's in season. In Italy they often serve it with caramel or toffee and even a fruit coulis sometimes. I don't really like all that stuff but it's up to you. Just don't try too hard.




6.0 servings


Saturday, February 13, 2010 - 2:49pm



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