Asado Rolls
55 grams Potato starch
15 grams SAF yeast (3 tsps)
can Warm water
teaspoon Sugar
cup Fresh milk
cup Warm water
110 grams Shortening
3 teaspoons Salt 3
200 grams sugar 1 inch thick
1 medium eggs 4 pieces
500 grams Pork (with skin and fat) diced in small pieces
cup Soy sauce
4 cloves Garlic minced
1 teaspoon Black pepper
teaspoon Salt
1 Bay leaf crumbled into large pieces
2 smalls pieces Star anise
cup Sugar
1 cup Water
2 tablespoons Cornstarch
cup Water
Dough:1. Proof yeast in 1/4 cup water and 1/4 tsp. sugar.
Sift together 3 cups flour with the potato starch. In a mixer blend together sugar, shortening, proofed yeast, eggs, flour and salt. Mix at medium speed until well blended and slightly thickened. Stir in enough flour (by hand) using a large rubber spatula to make a soft dough. Dump in well floured working table and knead in remaining flour until you end up with a very smooth, pliable dough. Round out the dough.
Place dough in a well greased bowl and let it rise for 1 1/2 hours or until double. (You can give it two risings).
Punch down and place in a greased work table. Cut out 75 gm pieces, roll and rest for about 10 minutes. Flatten each piece with your palm and with the heel of your right hand flatten the outer edges to make a rough round shape (middle part should be thicker than the edges). Place about a tablespoon of filling in the center and spread with a spoon. Gather edges together and seal top by pinching. You should come out with a round bun. Place in large greased muffin tins and flatten top slightly. Cover with a large greased plastic and set aside to rise for at least 1 1/2 hours or until almost double.
Yield: 24 pieces.
Make sure none of the filling comes in contact with the edges of the dough before you close it, it will be impossible to seal it if it does.
1.0 servings
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 - 6:14pm