Technique: Scooping
Scooping is the act of taking out material from it's storage vessel using a scoop. Scoops come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Ballers are usually double sided with 2 scoop sizes and a hole in the center of each scoop to aid in the product easily coming out of the scoop. Othere scoops (also known as dishers) are numbered or color coded in accordance to their size...the larger the scoop the lower the number. (ie: a #8 scoop in much bigger than a #48 scoop). Some dishers have a thumb lever to release the scoop and others have a grip release. Still other scoops are one size only most commonly used to scoop ice cream. Still others are more like a shovel...the kind you find in the nuts and jelly bellies at the grocery store.
Other names: Scooped, Scoop
Translations: Nabierania, Escavar, Выскабливание, غرف, 떠서, Nabírání, Meraup, 舀, El sacar con pala, Zajemanje, Naberanie, Scavare, גורפת, &Scooping, Сцоопинг, すくい, Écopant, Schöpfen, Øse, El treure amb pala, Вискоблювання, Загребване