Question: In Sugar As A 4.5 Quart Container Hold How Much Pounds Of Sugar

February 15, 2010


Anonymous's picture


The general contents of this book were distilled from an ARAMCO publication but have been re-fined with the help of the new fangled metric system, generally tidied up and adapted to suit other countries that do not have access to ARAM�CO contraband. The author admits no liability to bad brews (or bruising), due to being under the influence of most of them whilst writing.

Always remember, "Cleanliness is next to godliness". I've lost count of the number of whines I've sampled and thought "God that's crap. Bet he didn't sterilize his equipment." Sterilizing tablets are cheaply available at all pharmacies, and should be used at all times, as should plastic or stainless steel implements, as aluminium tarnishes the flavour and wood breeds disease.



Basic Mash 1
Simple Syrup #1 1
Simple Syrup #2 1
Freezer Distillation 1


Amaretto 2
Pernod 2
Baileys 2
Brandy 2
Brandy - Apple 2
Brandy - Peach 2
Campari 2

Cointreau #1 3
Cointreau #2 3
Cointreau #3 3
Cr�me de Caco 3
Cr�me de Caf� (Kahlua/Tia Maria) #1 3
Cr�me de Caf� (Kahlua/Tia Maria) #2 3
Cr�me de Menthe 3

Drambuie 4
Jeddah Gin #1 4
Jeddah Gin #2 4
Martini 4
Port 4
Vermouth 4
Vodka 4

Potato Whisky 5
Kuwaiti Wheat Whisky 5
Scumble 5


General Instructions 6
Apple Wine 6
Blackberry Wine 6
Cherry Wine 6
Citrus Wine 6
Grape Wine 6
Green Bean Wine 6

Mango Wine 7
Orange Wine #1 7
Orange Wine #2 7
Raisin & Rice Wine 7
Raspberry Wine 7
Red Wine 7
Rice Wine 7
Strawberry Wine 7
Chris & Alan=s Port Wine 7

Dry White Wine 8
Sherry #1 8
Sherry #2 8
Sherry #3 8
Champagne 8
Cider 8
P Wine 8

Beer 9
Real Ale 9

This Booklet is published by Gutter Press. � 2003
Any further contributions will be gratefully accepted by the author at:


BASIC MASH (for distilling neutral spirits)

Dissolve 10 pounds of granulated cane sugar in 5 gallons of filtered tap water. Add 1 cup of bakers yeast (see below), softened in a cup of luke warm water, and 1 level teaspoon of fertilizer such as Calgon.

Allow the mash to ferment at about 78�F for 14 days or until fermentation is complete. Seal to exclude air and provide for release of CO2. Allow to stand until clear, then siphon or decant to remove sediment. The mash is now ready for distillation.
Yield: approx 2 gallon of 190 proof alcohol.

"Wine Yeast" may be used in place of bakers yeast. When you make your own wine, decant the fluid just before fermentation stops, remove any solids and save the sediment or "Wine Yeast" in the fridge. As wine yeast has greater tolerance for alcohol than bakers yeast you can expect as much as 50% more alcohol content than bakers yeast.


Boil 3 cups of sugar dissolved in 2 cups of water. Cool.


400 ml water 1kg sugar 100ml lemon juice

Boil all ingredients for 10 minutes. 1 litre of syrup equals 1kg sugar. Using this syrup has the advantage that your liquor will not crystallize.

NOTES: 1. Where a recipe calls for Sadiki, use your local high strength raw alcohol.
2. For references to "bin" read fermenting vessel.


Freeze distillation will not yield as much alcohol content (about 30%) as ?proper? distillation but is cheaper and virtually guaranteed not to blow the roof off your villa. Take your drink to be distilled and pour into a plastic water bottle. Place in the freezer, upright if possible, until almost frozen. Remembering basic physics, that alcohol has a lower freezing point than water, the water will freeze but leave the good stuff runny. Remove from freezer and place bottle upside down in a jug to collect alcohol. Repeat this process until most or possibly all the water content has been removed, however do not discard this water as some alcohol content may remain and should be used for another brew.