Question: What are the wormy-looking things in cooked beans and lentils?? Are they sprouts or worms??

December 7, 2010


Barnaby Dorfman's picture

Have they been wet or moist? If they have been wet, and a large number of them have these, all coming out of the ends, and they aren't moving, then I'd say sprouts. If you see any movement...then I think we're looking at maggots and would discard.

Chris Paulk's picture

Lentils, beans and quinoa have a small part of the bean/ grain that is a small "sprout" where the seed/bean has germinated. This is ok. If you're unsure leave them in a bowl on the counter for a while.

Carolina's picture

I am tempted to put them under a microscope!! I only notice them after I've cooked them. I've seen them in lentils and pintos but not in black beans or red beans...go figure. "Sprouts" make sense...Thanks for your input!