Jessica Boscarini

Hi. My name is Jessica and I am the Founder of OC Food & Fitness. I started OC Food & Fitness because I felt like I needed to do more. I've always had a passion for food and fitness [hence the name], and have my Master's in Nutrition and am a Certified Personal Trainer to prove it. Furthermore, I am a Certified Nutritional Chef and have been working as a Personal Chef and Nutritional Consultant for years (

Although I love what I have been doing, my educational background (I have my BS in Business Management and Marketing), and my intrinsic drive to help make a difference, led me to the notion that the masses were not being reached and I needed to do something to change that.

There are so many people out there who want to do the best for themselves on both the inside and out, but are so bogged down with time constraints and overloads of information, they don't know where to begin.

I want to make health the easy option. From eating right, to exercising, to buying products that won't harm you or the environment, OC Food and Fitness showcases what it takes to be the you that you want to be.
