Triple Sec
A sweet orange-flavored liqueur. It is a common ingredient in cocktails, especially the Margarita, and ads sweetness and flavoring. Some brands are made from brandy or cognac, these can be sipped neat or on the rocks as an after dinner drink.
Triple sec can be clear or have a golden hue. It is traditionally made from the dried peel of oranges. Triple sec can also be used in baking to add an orange flavor.
Physical Description
Triple sec (meaning "Triple distilled") is a strong, sweet and colorless orange flavored liqueur.
Colors: colorless
Tasting Notes
Flavors: sweet, citrusy
Mouthfeel: Thick, Sticky
Beverage complements: Vodka
Substitutes: Cointreau
Selecting and Buying
Seasonality: january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, opctober, november, december
Choosing: There are a lot of popular brands that make Triple Sec. You can go on the recommendation of your friends or your local mixologist on which brand to buy or you can make one yourself.
Buying: Depending on how much you need for your cocktails. Triple Sec is available in different sizes.
Preparation and Use
Just measure, pour, and mix with your favorite cocktails.
Conserving and Storing
Store the bottle in a cool dry place.