00 flour, semolina flour
A specially grown hard wheat that is also high in protein and gluten. Often used to make pasta products. It is unknown where this wheat originated, though it is though to have originated in Abyssinia or southern parts of the Mediterranean basin. Records show there was cultivation in Byzantine Egypt.
With the rise of Islam, the crop spread rapidly throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. In some parts of the Mediterranean, durum was the only wheat grown. It was also grown by Muslims during their habitation of medieval Southern Italy, and was amongst the agricultural products that were exported from the Muslim world to the West.
Physical Description
The grains of durum wheat are slightly larger than those of other wheat species, and the most frequently grown variant has a distinct amber color.
Tasting Notes
Selecting and Buying
Preparation and Use
It can be ground in varying degrees of coarseness for use as cereal or flour.
Conserving and Storing
It has been known to remain fertile after as much as eighty years of storage in silos.