Perch, sometimes referred to as yellow perch is a freshwater fish. It is usually yellow on the sides with wide dark bands coming down the sides from its back.
Perch is considered a "panfish" or fish that is caught and cooked in a frying pan.
Other names:
Translations: Asaris, Ešerys, Biban, Smuđ, Vòi xe, Okoń, Baars, बसेरा, Poleiro, Окунь, Πέρκα, جثم, 농어, Okoun, Bertengger, Humapon, 河鲈, Perca, Ostriž, Ostriež, Pesce persico, מוט, Abborre, Гргеч, スズキ, Perche, Barsch, Aborre, Abbor, Perca, Окунь, Ahven, Костур