Fiona Howarth Gander

There’s me, my husband Peter, my children Amelia and Mikey and Peter’s children Hannah and Jack. The girls are 12 and the boys are both 10, there’s also Stanley the Parson Russell terrier and 3 hens. I’m a portrait photographer working all over the south-east of England and London, so I’m pretty busy with the kids and the photography and I love to cook. I like to use local, seasonal ingredients if I can, but I'm not obsessive about it. It’s not that I’m an amazing cook, I just like food and cooking it. I have a mountain of cookbooks and I’m frustrated that there are so many recipes I haven’t tried yet. But, like most people, I tend to re-do dishes that have gone down well previously, so I’m using this blog to stop myself from being a lazy cook and we won’t be eating the same stuff all the time. Hopefully your appetite will be further whetted by my photos. Some of the recipes are my own, the rest are from my cookbook collection, so this might be a good place to look for tried-and-tested ideas. Sometimes I go searching for recipes because I have a certain cut of meat I want to use or a glut of a particular vegetable - not always home-grown I might add - just over-bought perhaps!
