It's as if a switch is flipped, the sun starts to set and coals start to light. Happy laughter and the toast of cold beers with friends and families as they gather on decks, patios and porches is about as good as it gets. Call it what it is, but I guarantee just about anyone will tell you they love the smell of lighter fluid wafting over from a neighbor's yard. It must mean it's barbecue season and that means great outdoor food! It doesn't matter if you are slow-cooking brisket for eight hours or simply grilling a couple burgers, who ever is at the grill is instantly moved up to top chef status. Sure anyone can light a fire and sear some meat, but there is a whole other group of people who make barbecue a science, an art and a way of life. Entire cults are built around barbecue. Sauce followers from around the world drive hundreds of miles to compete rib to rib in barbecue competitions to see whose barbecue will prevail. BBQ CONTEST!! We'd like to recognize those of you who take your barbecuing to a whole other level. Simply sign up on Foodista and add your best barbecue recipe(s) and photo(s) ( by June 26. On July 1st the winner will be featured on The Foodista Barbecue Wall of Flame and receive a Foodista apron and a $50 gift card to Sur la Table! Good Luck!
Image by NachX from Flickr
June 16, 2009
How do we submit our BBQ photo?