It was just around this time last year that I started feeling really excited about the forthcoming release of Apothecary Cocktails. This year I have another surprise! My second book!
Sure there are many talented writers out there. Some of them actually have spent time behind the stick, others started where I did, as a bar-back. Still others have never had a plastic garbage bag explode on them during clean up... It's all part of the task. Working with spirits on a professional level is not easy.
The great bartenders make it look easy, but please let me tell you at 53 years of age, it is far from easy. It's hard work!
I love to sit and make drinks for people. It gives me great pleasure to see them taste things that they've never tasted prior. With that said, I'm a former chef, from pot-scrubber on up, so calling myself a chef is not just because I went to Johnson/Wales (after my four year degree) to see what I could see.
What I found in culinary school was not at all like the reality of working in a restaurant. Reality is starting at the bottom and working your way, bit by bit up from the dregs to possibly the right and honor to call oneself a chef. It took me a long time- and I'm still uncomfortable calling myself a chef when a cook will do.
Whiskey Cocktails offers a glimpse inside my imagination. Sure there are some of the classics in my book. If I didn't have them, I'd never be able to say that I learned from others. You're always learning, even after writing books.
I certainly don't know everything!
It's important to break whiskey down into its elements and provenance. Cue the Scotch Whisky folks. Much will be said about mixing with Scotch. I'm hoping for good things as I always seek the approval from my peers.
Bourbon, Rye, Japanese, French, Irish, Canadian, White, even the stuff that ages as long as it takes to get from the still to your home make an appearance. Each chapter is by style with complementary drinks and yes, like Apothecary Cocktails, even recipes. Because at the end of the day, my heart is that of a cook. I dream in flavor and also color.
This makes the rustic and sensuous photography, by Glenn Scott, and brilliant food styling by Jen Beauchesne pop off the pages.
Yes, you will be both thirsty and hungry. I promise you that.
And my friends, the Fabulous Beekman Boys wrote the Introduction. They love the book and I know you will too. With Klaus, my trusty gnome at my side. @klausgnome on Twitter if you are interested in him.
I invite you to read more about my book on my publisher's website and if you are so inclined, to pre-order the book at your local independent book seller. Yes the big guys have it too, Amazon, B&N... It will be of course available for your eReaders... That is for certain!
What I'm hoping is that you become inspired by my passion and order a copy today! Because I'm so very honored to be able to do what I love... And that is to write!
Thank you.
Warren Bobrow