Pan Roasted Pork Tenderfloin with Garlic, Coriander and Rosemary
The house is back to normal after a wonderful month of festivities. With that said we are back in our kitchen, or shall I say, I am back into my kitchen.
Sunday nights is always family night at our house. A way for us to close the week by going over all the events that have transpired, and look forward to the week ahead of us by discussing what lay ahead and what needs to be accomplished. Great way for our little guy to participate in the conversation, give his input and make decisions on activities. Also, another opportunity as a parent to discover if any school project are due….
Last night pork tenderloin was lots of fun to prepare, the oven did it all. We seldom have sweet potatoes and deciding to have them deep fried was the best side dish with the meat. Broccolis were requested as a side dish also.
TIP: Do not over cook the meat as it will get tough. Do try to remove the outer thin skin of the pork and any small fat pockets that it may have.
Use a mandolin for the fries as it will cut the potatoes evenly and they will fry evenly.
Bon Appetit!!