Toronto's Cronut Burger Causes 150 Illnesses

August 24, 2013

The Cornut Burger, which was made available earlier this month at the annual Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, is responsible for approximately 150 illnesses. The burger was available at Epic Burgers & Waffles, who have previously offered the donut burger. However, the booth in CNE's food building has been shut down. 

"We do know from the vast majority of interviews we've done that people became ill directly after eating the cronut burger," said Dr. Dave McKeown of Toronto Public Health. 

150 people have been reported as getting ill just hours within eating the cronut burger at the CNE. The illnesses were caused by a contamination in the burgers, but it is unclear which specific ingredient caused the illnesses. 

"Typically the bacteria multiplies in food in the presence of inadequate temperature control or inadequate food hygiene and food handling," McKeown explained. "When the bacteria multiplies, it produces the toin and it's the toxin that causes the illness when ingested." He adds that most people will recover from the illness very quickly. 

A large issue with the bacteria in question is that it doesn't have a smell or taste, which gives cronut burger eaters no indication that their meal may be contaminated. 

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