Morrocan Spiced Chicken With A Harissa, Caper & Onion Potato Salad
6 medium larges hard boiled potatoes, peeled, cooked & cut into 2 pieces, cooled off
3 green cardamom pods, peeled open, the pods thrown away but keep the seeds!!!
1/4 teaspoon of black peppercorns
1/4 teaspoon of fennel seeds
1/4 teaspoon of cumin seeds
1/4 teaspoon of grinded cinnamon
1 teaspoon of sweet paprika powder ( pimentón dulce )
1/2 teaspoon of grinded coriander seeds
1/8 teaspoon of grinded piment
50 gr cornstarch
2 whole eggs, beaten
a fruity EVOO ( Extra Virgin Olive Oil )
To serve: sometimes , I serve a green salad with this but it is absolutely not necessary!
With one hand roll the pieces of chicken first through the polenta mix & then with your other hand put the chicken pieces trough the egg kefir mix. With the first hand take your chicken pieces again trough the polenta mix. Take a 4th plate & place your finished chicken pieces on it. Repeat until all of the chickken pieces are ready.
Heat a large non stick pan on high heat. Pour 4 to 6 tablespoons of the fruity EVOO in it. Heat up. When the oil is sizzling, add the coated chicken pieces. Fry on both sides until well browned. Repeat untill all of the chicken is well fried on both sides. Remove the chicken pieces from the pan & lay them on a rack into a roasting tin & place in a preheated oven on 200°C
In the meantime, make the harissa potato salad. So, you have your cooled potatoes in front of you. They are cut into litlle pieces. Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of the mayonaise trough the potato pieces. Take 1 - 2 tablespoons harissa or more to your taste & mix it well trough the mayonaise & the potato salad. Mix the cut up capers trough the salad. Mix the fried onion pieces into the salad. Season with salt & pepper. It has to taste fab!
I love this juicy Moroccon spiced chicken! Crunchy, hard & spiced on the outside & juicy, light & yummie on the inside. It is so lovely with the harissa, onion & caper potato salad! Excellent to enjoy as lunch or dinner with your lover!
8.0 servings
Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 2:14am
September 14, 2009
Thanks Sophie! I'm a huge fan of Harrissa.