Green Tea Tiramisu


1 packet Savoiardi sponge fingers
2 Egg yolks (about 40 gs)
60 grams Icing sugar
100 grams Whipping cream
90 grams Hot water


Combine egg yolks and icing sugar in a mixing bowl and beat until mixture thickens and becomes pale yellow in color. Add mascarpone cheese and mix well.
Whip up whipping cream and fresh topping cream together to peak form. Add whipped cream to the mascarpone cheese mixture and mix well with a hand whisk.
Place green tea powder in a small bowl and mix with hot water and stir well. Cut the sponge fingers to fit the size of the base of the serving cups. Quickly dip sponge finger in the green tea mixture, then place in serving cups.
Spoon mascarpone cheese mixture on top and dust more green tea powder over it and add remaining mascarpone cheese mixture. (OR spread half of mascarpone cheese mixture in a layer over soaked sponge fingers. Dip more sponge fingers into green tea mixture and place on top of mascarpone cheese layer. Spoon over remaining mascarpone cheese mixture)
Dust generously with green tea powder and refrigerate until required. Tiramisu can be kept refrigerated for up to 2 days.



6.0 servings


Thursday, February 17, 2011 - 5:43am


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