Classic Northern Peruvian Ceviche
Typically, ceviche is served as on its own as an appetizer. However, it is often presented as a light entree with many starchy sides: corn on the cob, white rice, sweet potato, potato or yucca. This is a great summer dish, best eaten outside, for example, during the weekend. Enjoy with cancha (fried corn seeds) and cold light beer.
For those not in the know, ceviche is a fish dish that is prepared by marinating it in lemon/lime juice for about 1.5 hours. The fish is chemically 'cooked' by the acid in the lemon, but never touches any heat. It is served at room temperature and is a very healthy meal. This dish does not keep, so it is best if it is all eaten fresh. Do not save for the next day.
The biggest decision in making ceviche is the type of fish to use. The choices are not always sustainable. Rock cod and corvina are tasty choices but are heavily over-fished. Tilapia is a good alternative, satisfying the taste and the pocketbook standard as well as the maintaining sustainability. In Peru, they like to use grouper (mero) which is difficult to find in the States, and is also on the red list for being unsustainably harvested.