After years of providing hard-working American soliders with a taste of home, Burger King, Cinnabon, Pizza Hut and Green Beans (a coffee shop popular among the servicemen) have begun pulling out of Iraq. Though the mission officially ended last September, more than 46,000 soliders remain in the country as military advisors.
"You just need a break every once in a while, so it's good to have Subway or coffee when you're missing being back home," said Army Spc. Nicole Meixner, 33, from Detroit, told the AP. "But you have to expect change here in Iraq. You have to roll with the flow."
Senior military officials are concerned the restaurants could make the soliders soft. Each operation also requires a diesel generator, which forces someone to haul in fuel for it along a dangerous stretch of roadway. Thus, with the military mission ending shortly, officials feel now is the proper time to close some of the restaurants.
What do you think of the decision?
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