At the Healthy Flavors, Healthy Kids summit in San Antonio, chef Rick Bayless spoke out against many of the parenting practices that have become commonplace in today's society, such as preparing separate kids' meals and purchasing sugar- and fat-laden processed foods.
Jessie Degollado, a KSAT 12 reporter who attended the summit, wrote that Bayless waxed about the cornbread and beans he ate as a youngster -- flavors that formed a "taste memory" that's stayed with him throughout his life. Bayless implored South Texas families to add healthy touches to traditional recipes and "make your home a safe haven" from fast food and processed items.
Rick Bayless also recommended that parents let their kids help out in the kitchen to help them develop their own taste memories, and urged parents to feed their kids "adult food" as opposed to a separate "kids' meal." Do you think Bayless' ideas can keep childhood obesity in check?
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May 13, 2011
I've never understood parents who make different food for their children and themselves. I agree that kids should eat what their parents eat. Hopefully the parents are making healthy food for themselves.
May 13, 2011
Yeah this is the first I've heard of this idea. It sounds strange to feed kids differently than you feed yourself - and where do you find the time and energy to make separate meals?
May 14, 2011
You would be surprised what parents will do for their Children. Some Women will make different meals for everyone the family. Now in my house, there is one meal made you eat it and if not you go hungry. Sorry I will not make more than one dinner in a night! And fast food is a treat something you only get once a month or less.