Green Beans
Green beans are a green vegetable that can be prepared by themselves or in combination with other foods to make a tasty stir fry, delicious casserole or cold summer salad.
Other names: Snap Beans
Translations: Pākšu pupiņas, Žaliosios pupelės, Fasole verde, Zeleni grah, Đậu xanh, Zielona fasola, Groene bonen, हरी फली, Feijão Verde, Зеленая фасоль, Φασολάκια, فاصوليا خضراء, 강낭콩, Zelené fazole, Боранија, Berdeng bin, 绿豆, Mongetes Verdes, Fižol Green, Zelené fazuľa, Fagiolini, שעועית ירוקה, Gröna bönor, Kacang buncis, サヤインゲン, Haricots verts, Grüne Bohnen, Grønne bønner, Grønne bønner, Judías Verdes, Зелена квасоля, Vihreät pavut, Зелен боб
Physical Description
Long green bean pods, usually with a stem on one end.
Colors: Green, light green
Tasting Notes
Mouthfeel: Crunchy
Substitutes: Thin asparagus, Sliced nopales, Okra, Broccoli
Selecting and Buying
Choosing: Choose firm and fresh beans that are bright green.
Preparation and Use
Cleaning: Wash throughly and pinch stem off and discard.