Hayman Sweet Potato


The Hayman is a 100-year-old heirloom white sweet potato variety that is purported the sweetest of all varieties. It was once grown on the Eastern Shore of the United States. Due to its short shelf life and low crop yield it is rarely planted these days.


Translations: Hayman Sweet Kartupeļu, Hayman Saldžiosios bulvės, Hayman de cartofi dulci, Hayman slatki krumpir, Hayman Zoete aardappel, Hayman मीठे आलू, Hayman Batata Doce, Хейман Sweet картофеля, Hayman Γλυκοπατάτα, هايمان البطاطا الحلوة, Hayman 고구마, Hayman Sweet brambor, Hayman Ubi Jalar, Hayman kamote, 艾曼甘薯, Hayman Camote, Hayman Sweet zemiakov, Hayman patata dolce, היימן בטטה, Хаиман Слатки кромпир, ヘイマンサツマイモ, Hayman de patates douces, Hayman Camote, Хейман Sweet картоплі, Hayman Bataatti, Хайман сладки картофи

Physical Description

Haymans are smaller than most varieties. Its exterior has an unattractive dirty look with tan bumps on the surface. The inside flesh is white much like a Russet potato.

Colors: brown, spotty exterior; white interior

Tasting Notes

Flavors: sweet
Mouthfeel: Smooth, Creamy, Fibrous
Food complements: Allspice, Apples, Bay leaf, Bourbon, Brandy, Cilantro, Chili peppers, Anise, Bacon, Butter, Chestnuts, Marshmallows, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Cream, Creme fraiche, Cumin, Curry, Figs, Ginger, Greens, Honey, Leeks, Maple syrup, Molasses, Mushrooms, Orange, Onions, Pears, Pecans, Pepper, Pork, Rum, Sage, Salt, Brown sugar, Vanilla, Vinegar (balsamic and cider), Whiskey
Wine complements: Sweet wines, Dry white wines
Beverage complements: Whiskey, Bourbon, Brandy, Rum, Marsala
Substitutes: O'henry sweet potato, Any standard sweet potato

Selecting and Buying

Seasonality: opctober
Peak: opctober
Choosing: Not necessarily small as stated above. Hubby had a 4 lb hayman in his garden. Size varies from year to year depending on weather.
Buying: Available on the Eastern Shore of Va. in October from farm markets/roadside stands.
Procuring: start from slips in May, dig when vines have turned brown. let dry and cure for at least 2 weeks before cooking. I coat mine w/olive oil before baking. When done add some pats of butter...yummm.

Preparation and Use

Prepare as you would any variety of sweet potato or yam: bake, boil, deep-fry, fry, grill, mash, roast, saute, steam.

Cleaning: Simply brush the skin with a vegetable brush under cool water.

Conserving and Storing

Store in a dark cool place.

let dry and cure for at least 2 weeks before cooking.



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